Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Compare Single Life and Married Life Free Essays

Article #1 Values or Traditions that Identify Colombia is situated in South America and outskirts with five distinct nations, for example, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. Colombia has been guarantee as â€Å"the tropical paradise†. Most Colombians are benevolent, strict, and persevering. We will compose a custom paper test on Analyze Single Life and Married Life or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now To begin with, in Colombia the vast majority are well disposed, glad, accommodating, and mindful. In spite of the fact that, individuals have been influenced by the Drug War, Colombians don’t lose their positivisms, and ready to help and care for other people. For example, it is extremely basic to hear individuals in the lanes talking boisterous, chuckling, and the vast majority of them have known between one another for a considerable length of time. Neighbors care for one another and help each other with food, or good help. Colombians love to move and eat extraordinary food in parties that the vast majority of the occasions are not unique occasions; they are made in the soul of joy. Second, most Colombians were brought with Catholic accepts up before. Presently in Colombia there are an assortment of religions, anyway Colombia’s more grounded accepted is â€Å"El Nino Jesus†. Another significant convention for all Colombians is â€Å"The Christmas Season†. For instance, From December sixteen to the twenty four families and companions get together to ask and recollect the way of Jesus birthday by singing, eating, and having rewards for the little children. This is the most astounding time for nearly everybody and generally particular for small children since they invest quality energy with families and companions. Along these lines, families pick an alternate home to do â€Å"La novena† in light of the fact that that specific house is offering supper and rewards for the visitors. Thusly this convention had gone from age to age. In conclusion, most Colombians are persevering individuals, notable around the globe for this quality. Most Colombians are knowledgeable and experts, and some of them have the chance to prevail in Colombia, while others travel to prevail in different nations. For instance, individuals regularly travel to the United States to improve their lives and despite the fact that they are experts they wind up working in various fields none identified with their calling, while others advance their instruction by striving to achieve their duties and exceed expectations. For instance, Sofia Vergara is an understand Colombian on-screen character who went to the United States to better her transporter and she has exceed expectations unbelievably. All in all, Colombians are prominent by their qualities and conventions and on the grounds that they are perceived by different nations as individuals that are regularly cheerful, mindful and have extraordinary confidence. The most effective method to refer to Compare Single Life and Married Life, Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

History and myth Essay Example for Free

History and fantasy Essay The Worlds Wife modifies fantasy, history and legend and revamps it into contemporary, women's activist tales. Concerning three of the sonnets in the volume look at the procedures utilized by Duffy recorded as a hard copy contemporary women's activist tales. Duffys volume The Worlds Wife is an assortment of emotional monologs where Duffy turns into a ventriloquist creating the words, which well known, quiet, spouses from history or legend may have said. Her utilization of diversion and play on clichi s makes an aggregate female voice where prevailing male characters are being censured. Duffy revamps contemporary women's activist tales and receives distinctive personae by utilizing various methods, which are especially shown in her sonnets, Mrs Midas, Mrs Lazarus and Mrs Aesop. Duffys utilization of clever cleverness in the sonnet Mrs Aesop permits her to deign the male partner, by turning his renowned tales against him and scrutinizing his masculinity. Actually, Mrs Lazarus depicts a progressively passionate persona lamenting over her spouses demise, where her other half neglects to think about the effect of his arrival. So also, in Mrs Midas, the male character is overwhelmed by ravenousness, blinding his capacity to appreciate the repercussions of his activities. The figurative collections of memoirs permit Duffy to receive an assortment of emotional personae and accept a variety of voices, which depict issues and perspectives touchy to her own. She investigates the thought of the self corresponding to the next, especially in the sonnet, Mrs Midas. The artist can introduce a wide scope of feelings through the pragmatic persona that feels a feeling of irritation because of her spouses narrow-mindedness. The erotic characteristics of the persona are featured using delicate sounds, breath forehead, and my fingers cleaned the others glass. She is then portrayed as multitalented, particularly in contrast with her significant other who was remaining under the pear-tree snapping a twig. His silly and crazy action deprecates his handiness and therefore expanding his wifes, as it doesn't require a lot of ability to complete such a movement. The persona embraces a narrative methodology, essentially when the disaster is developing, belying the genuine concern, I said and What for the sake of God is going on? show the utilization of conversational language, which help the personas voice develop. The expressing utilized all through the writer underlines her reasonableness and capacity to bode well out of any circumstance, I presented the feast thus he needed to move out, delineate that she isn't showy, however is quiet and coherent, which is a correlation with her accomplices puerile and youthful conduct, he played with his spoon. The persona can transcend him, state her position and her utilization of severe mockery acquaints parody with the sonnet. Duffys utilization of the clichi , which is generally present in her sonnets, is utilized to show how useless he has become and how embarrassed and dreadful she is for him, as he is a blockhead who couldn't think past his transient covetousness. Likewise, Mrs Lazarus, additionally needs to confront the results of her spouses return after she at long last figures out how to manage her melancholy over his demise and proceed onward. The emotional persona made in this sonnet is very faithful to her better half and crushed at the way that she has lost her other half. Yelled, screamed, pawed and one void glove fortify the symbolism of anguish and misery stricken state. She is a persona extremely expressive of her feelings and experiences the whole agony of her misfortune, even to the degree where there are pictures of self destruction due to what she is feeling, twofold bunch round my exposed neck. The similar sounding word usage of delicate, rested.. single.. stuffed and unforgiving sounds, gone gutted glove, carry accentuation to the scope of her passionate misery. As her memory of him and sorrow is subsiding, she builds up an increasingly useful, true tone in her word usage, Then he was gone, indicating that she has at last proceeded onward. At the point when her better half returns, her expressing and style changes and it starts to sound increasingly brutal and harsh, spoiling graves slack bite, as an impression of the way that he is unfeeling toward her feelings, in spite of all that she has experienced.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Consumer Behaviour- Redbull Case Study questions

Purchaser Behavior-Redbull questions - Case Study Example Through the showcasing technique of utilizing thrill into the commercials, the organization focuses on the youthful age to devour the beverage as an enhancement to the adrenaline actuating sports. Such market division has permitted the organization to blend its characteristic shopper base with its focused on advertise. Later on, Red Bull’s most useful showcasing methodology is portion the market dependent on buyers and development explicitly as opposed to savage sponsorship based commercial. Focusing on a social fragment that is separated in to the gatherings of the individuals who normally, for instance, go to rec center or those that work in intense situations in a similar age limits; it would be more astute, according to Walker’s (2006) examine, to spend all the more promoting assets on the individuals who are acting in a progressively ideal manner to devour the item. For instance a multi year old who goes to rec center is more open to Red Bull’s ads than a mu lti year old who works in a print shop. By explicitly focusing on conduct based market sections, Red Bull’s future showcasing can additionally be streamlined in accordance with the company’s current arrangement without meddling with different strategies like those of rush based notice. ... Beginning from dispersing free instances of the caffeinated drink at exercise centers, schools and various structures where they could discover their shopper base, the Red Bull began with a viral promoting arrangement. The achievement of the viral notice brought about quick development in deals. The inspirations of shoppers depended on their own needs, or their own needs as appeared by the organization. The need to re stimulate at work, exercise center, building locales and other publicized territories has demonstrated to be a customer need by the Red Bull and regularly the Red Bull shoppers are contrasted and non purchasers in commercials. The examination frequently either suggests the absence of vitality in the individual and the powerlessness to perform appropriately without re empowering or shows additional capacities in the individual expending the item. The moto â€Å"No Red Bull, No Wings† obviously backs up this idea. Besides, by supporting exceptionally exciting race rivalries, both on air and ground, the inspiration to utilize the item is additionally stirred in the customer base, both mentally and as an approach to attempt the item for the new buyers by making a ‘buzz’. Portray the Brand Personality of Red Bull. For what reason do you think the idea of brand character is so imperative to Red Bull? Being a caffeinated drink focused on the adolescent, Red Bull has built up a striking brand character of a solid bull as delineated by its logo. The brand character of the caffeinated drink suggests the attributes of the sort of lift it professes to give the buyers; quality, vitality, physical opposition, faster response time and improved state of mind. Giving a passionate character and relationship to the brand’s picture, the organization has contrived a procedure

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Cathy Amess Manipulative Power in East of Eden - Literature Essay Samples

Sexuality with all its attendant yearnings and pains, jealousies and taboos, is the most disturbing impulse humans have (Steinbeck 75). To Cathy Ames, a seductively charismatic sociopath, sexuality and the vulnerability that accompanies it is the biggest downfall of humans. She discovers the key to controlling anyone is through such impulses. At age ten she takes advantage of two boys through their sexuality, and then proceeds to frame them to get what she wants. This behavior continues for the rest of her life, as she spends most of it at various whorehouses manipulating the owners until it is clear that she is the one who truly runs the establishment. Cathy feels so comfortable at a whorehouse, a place where she controls people through their sexuality, because she herself possesses no weakness to such impulses, and therefore uses everyone elses vulnerability to gain control.At a young age, Cathy Ames realizes the power she has over other people through their sexuality, and how she can use such a vulnerability to take advantage of them. The first example of this behavior is when she tricks two young boys at the age of ten. While looking for her daughter, Cathys mother hears giggling coming from the carriage house. Upon walking in, she saw that Cathy lay on the floor, her skirts pulled up. She was naked to the waist, and beside her two boys about fourteen were kneeling and Cathys wrists were tied with a heavy rope (Steinbeck 76). Cathys mother is horrified; but the reader knows this incident is clearly Cathys doing. When the families have a meeting regarding what happened, the boys have a defense that seems ridiculous: Cathy, they said, had started the whole thing, and they had each given her five cents. They had not tied her hands. They said they remembered that she was playing with a rope (Steinbeck 77). To this defense Cathys father responds, Do they really mean to say she tied her own hands? A ten-year-old child? (Steinbeck 77). Mr. Ames in quiry serves as a rhetorical question to the reader, underscoring the irony of the situation. He asks this question, of course, to make such a notion sound completely foolish. The reader has better insight into Cathys personality than her father does, however, and knows that Cathy likely manipulated and framed the boys by using her newly discovered sexuality. Cathys reasoning for doing such a thing becomes apparent in the tone Steinbeck takes towards her character: he believes she is pure evil and everything she does is solely to benefit herself. To Cathy, this event served as an experiment. The reader is unaware of exactly what Cathy says to the boys, but it is obvious that she wanted her way with them and knew how to get it. From a young age she knows that she is able to control people, but uses this event, and peoples reactions to it, to judge exactly how far she can take things. When the boys get whipped to raw cuts and Cathy gets attention and sympathy, it becomes clear to her—as well as the reader—precisely how much power she has, and how dangerous it will become in the future (Steinbeck 77).As an adult, Cathy first takes advantage of Mr. Edwards, a married man whose livelihood comes from owning a brothel. From the day she meets him, Cathy plans to get whatever she wants from him then proceeds to achieve this goal by using her mock innocence and feminine lure to make him fall in love with her: He rented a sweet little brick house for her and then gave it to her. He bought her every imaginable luxury, overdecorated the house, kept it overwarm. The carpeting was too deep and the walls were crowded with heavy framed pictures (Steinbeck 93). Cathy has once again used her seductive mystique to gain control of the situation. She maintains that control in the bedroom: â€Å"She convinced him that the result was not quite satisfactory to her, that if he were a better man he could release a flood of unbelievable reaction in her. Her method was to keep him continually off balance . . . And when she sensed the near approach of insane, punishing rage, she sat in his lap and soothed him and made him believe for a moment in her innocence. She could convince him† (Steinbeck 94). Steinbeck makes it clear that Cathy knows exactly what she is doing and how far she will go to control a man so hopelessly, miserably in love with her (Steinbeck 93). The more off balance Mr. Edwards becomes, the more stable Cathy becomes and this stability leads to control. As long as she remains unobtainable, she holds this control. According to Sherry Argov, author of Why Men Love Bitches: â€Å"A woman is perceived as offering a mental challenge to the degree that a man doesnt feel he has a 100 percent hold on her . . . Shes available sometimes; other times shes not. But shes nice. Nice enough, that is, to consider his preferences for when hed like to see her so that she can sometimes accommodate them. Translation? No 100 percent hold† (5). Cathy Ames does just this to Mr. Edwards to secure her place being in control of their relationship: She gave him an impression of restlessness, as though she might take flight at any moment. When she knew he was going to visit her, she made it a point to be out and to come in glowing as from some incredible experience (Steinbeck 94). Cathy realizes that each time she does something like this, it never completely satisfies Mr. Edwards and he falls more in love with her because she is so elusive. As he becomes more smitten, he becomes equally as submissive, losing all his dignity. Cathy knows exactly what to say to put Mr. Edwards in this state. For example, When she would return in the late afternoon and find him waiting for her she would explain, Why, I was shopping. I have to go shopping, you know. And she made it sound like a lie (Steinbeck 94). Cathys sexuality and seductive lure put her in control of any situation, and give her power over anyo ne.The second brothel owner Cathy takes advantage of is Faye, a woman in her sixties who also falls under the spell of Kate, the new name Cathy assumes when she starts working at Fayes. Like Mr. Edwards, Faye finds herself seduced by Kates sweet and unassuming nature: Faye, the essence of motherness, began to think of Kate as her daughter. She felt this in her breast and in her emotions, and her natural morality took hold. She did not want her daughter to be a whore. It was a perfectly reasonable sequence (Steinbeck 223). Kate essentially seduces Faye into treating her much better than she treats the other girls at the house. Faye is happy to take Kate under her wing because Kate knows, like she did with Mr. Edwards and the two boys in the carriage house, exactly what to say to come off as innocent and loveable and therefore get what she wants. When Faye asks about Kates choice to dye her hair from blonde to black, Kate is very clever. She [tells] the best lie of all œthe truth (Steinbeck 226). By mixing truth in amongst all her lies, Kate makes everything sound believable, and therefore no one doubts anything she says. When she has everyones trust in a way this powerful, she can get whatever she wants. What Kate wants out of Faye is her fortune, as Faye has accumulated much wealth from being the owner of a successful brothel for many years. As soon as Faye declares Kate as her daughter and writes her into her will, Kate begins scheming and planning Fayes death. She poisons her slowly over time and simply blames it on an illness. She never raises suspicion because she is so careful in her planning: At first they had to tie Kate down to keep her from hurting herself. From violence she went into a gloomy stupor. It was a long time before she regained her health. And she forgot completely about the will. It was Trixie who finally remembered (Steinbeck 251). Kates false front makes the girls think that she is sincerely devastated by Faye s death, when in actuality, she was the one who killed her in order to inherit Fayes money and title. Kates ruthless seduction and then careful planning help her take over the whorehouse and inherit the owners six-digit fortune.Cathy Ames, or Kate, as she becomes known later, is by far the most manipulative, conniving, and cunning character in East of Eden. She uses her sexuality to control anyone she chooses and to get what she wants from that person. As a child, she frames two young boys when first discovering the power of her sexuality. Later, as an adult, she seduces two brothel owners and achieves overwhelming control over both of them, resulting in the inheritance of a large fortune from one of them. Because she is a sociopath with no real conscience, Cathy is able to live the greater part of her adult life in control of any situation through her scheming manipulation of sexuality. As the two boys and Mr. Edwards learn, that manipulation is dangerous. In Fayes case, it is deadly. Works CitedArgov, Sherry. Why Men Love Bitches. Avon: Adams Media, 2004.Steinbeck, John. East of Eden. New York: Penguin Books, 1992.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Molly Brown Margaret Tobin Brown, Titanic Survivor

Known for: surviving the Titanic disaster and helping others; part of the Denver mining boomDates: July 18, 1867 - October 26, 1932Also known as: Margaret Tobin Brown, Molly Brown, Maggie, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Unsinkable Molly Brown Made famous by the 1960s musical, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Margaret Tobin Brown was not known by the nickname Molly during her lifetime, but as Maggie in her younger years and, following the custom of her time, mostly as Mrs. J. J. Brown after her marriage. Molly Brown grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, and at 19 went to Leadville, Colorado, with her brother. She married James Joseph Brown, who worked in the local silver mines. While her husband advanced to superintendent in the mines, Molly Brown started soup kitchens in the mining community and became active in womens rights. Molly Brown in Denver J. J. Brown (known as Leadville Johnny in the film and Broadway versions of Margaret Browns story) found a means of mining gold, making the Browns wealthy and, after a move to Denver, part of Denver society. Molly Brown helped found the Denver Womans Club and worked for juvenile courts. In 1901 she went to the Carnegie Institute to study, and in 1909 and 1914 she ran for Congress. She spearheaded a campaign that raised the money to build the Roman Catholic cathedral in Denver. Molly Brown and the Titanic Molly Brown was traveling in Egypt in 1912 when she received word that her grandson was ill. She booked passage on a ship to return home; the Titanic. Her heroism in assisting other survivors and getting people to safety was recognized after her return, including with the French Legion of Honour in 1932. Molly Brown was head of the Titanic Survivors Committee which supported immigrants who had lost everything in the disaster and helped to get a memorial erected to the Titanic survivors in Washington, DC. She was not allowed to testify in Congressional hearings about the sinking of the Titanic, because she was a woman; in response to this slight she published her account in newspapers. More About Molly Brown Molly Brown went on to study acting and drama in Paris and New York and to work as a volunteer during World War I. J.J. Brown died in 1922, and Margaret and the children contended over the will. Margaret died in 1932 of a brain tumor in New York. Print Bibliography Iversen, Kristen. Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth. 1999.Whitacre, Christine. Molly Brown: Denvers Unsinkable Lady. 1984.Grinstead, Leigh A., and Gueda Gayou. Victorian Gardens at the Molly Brown House. 1995.Wills, May B., and Caroline Bancroft. Unsinkable Molly Brown Cookbook. 1966.Unsinkable Molly Brown: Vocal Selections. (Lyrics to songs from the musical.) Childrens books Blos, Joan W., and Tennessee Dixon. The Heroine of the Titanic: A Tale Both True and Otherwise of the Life of Molly Brown. 1991. Ages 4-8. Pinson, Mary E. Youre an Orphan, Molly Brown. 1998. Ages 10-12.Simon, Charnan. Molly Brown: Sharing Her Good Fortune. 2000. Ages 9-12. Music and Videos The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Original Soundtrack, CD, Remaster, 2000.The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Original Broadway Cast, CD, 1993.The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Director: Charles Walters. 1964.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Society Views Children with Adhd - 1600 Words

HOW SOCIETY VIEWS CHILDREN WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER I. Society Views A. Society Views on Children with ADHD B. How Society Affects the Development of the ADHD Child 1. Mental development 2. Physical development 3. Social development II. Diagnosis A. Reasons for Seeking Professional Diagnosis B. How the Diagnosis is Made C. Why the Diagnosis can be Incorrect III. Treatment A. Ritalin B. Modern Therapy 1. Herbal Therapy 2. Mental Therapy 3. Diet Therapy HOW SOCIETY VIEWS CHILDREN WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Andrew Todd English III April 24, 2001 WORKS CITED Aronwitz, Robert, Making Sense of Illness: Science,†¦show more content†¦Medicalization studies have demonstrated that agents such as advocacy groups, social movements and academic researchers can be central in creating specific diagnosis. This kind of diagnostic advocacy is accomplished by, or directly connected to an extent to the social movement. Domain expansion is an incorrect diagnosis of ADHD. Domain expansion is a process by which definitions of social problems expand and become more inclusive. Diagnosis seeking behavior is an integral feature of the emergence of ADHD self-labeling information exchange; pursuit of diagnosis fuels the society engine. When a person is different they are usually considered to be a damaged product. The social context for the rise of ADHD. The expansion of hyperactive diagnosis is not the result of new scientific discoveries about the biomedical nature of the disorder. It is the result of studies done by numerous teachers, doctors, psychologists, and researchers. While a number of studies indicated that symptoms in children are usually society based, studies show that society affects the ADHD child positively and negatively. In a positive way society wants to help the child; this is a common treatment of any person with a disorder. In a negative way society treats the child as a defect or as bad material because society is scared of something it knows very little about. The lay promotions of ADHD and the predominance of self-diagnosis contradict some of theShow MoreRelatedMusic And Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder1461 Words   |  6 PagesMusic and Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Abstract These are some of the reason that compelled me to choose this topic and focus on music as therapy for children with ADHD. Medical Aspect of Music as Therapy for ADHD Music has been seen to help many children with learning disabilities as it activates the brain so extensively helping the kid to focus. Music therapy has been found to help the victims of brain trauma and children with ADHD. For the children with ADHD, music isRead MoreRitalin and Aderall1599 Words   |  7 Pagesi. Diagnosis of ADHD ADHD is a condition which affects multiple areas of functioning. Because of the widespread diagnosis this disease keeps doctors, pharmaceutical businesses, and teachers employed. According to Diller (2008), the use of drugs like Ritalin is at rates never seen before in this country or anywhere else. Diller also states that â€Å"we medicate our children with psychiatric drugs ten or twenty times more than countries of Western Europe (pg50).† Many children are said to be made unhappyRead MoreStudy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children1329 Words   |  5 PagesADHD in Children Abstract The occurrence of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been on the rise in primary school children in recent years. This study explains how this disorder impacts upon the daily life of such students, how much harmful it can be to childs mental stability while growing up and how it hinders in their learning process. Moreover, this study also focuses on the treatment methods and techniques employed by the parents and teachers of such students and howRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1219 Words   |  5 Pageslarge population in society, there is a stigma pertaining to mental illnesses and their credibility. People are under the impression that since these diseases are not physically seen, they aren’t real. Despite that, most mental illnesses have been accredited as real health concerns, but there is still speculation surrounding Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There are some, including the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), who are adamant in the fact that ADHD is a true illnessRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )999 Words   |  4 Pageshyperactivity disorder (ADHD) signifies a major public health problem. Diagnoses continue to rise each year, yet the rates of treated ADHD are declining. There is a lot of controversy about treatments for ADHD today. Helpful treatment options like medications and therapies are receiving negative views with many saying that treatment is not necessary or the negatives outweigh the benefits. Those against treatment cite problems like substance abuse and negative side effects. However, ADHD greatly impacts aRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Ritalin, and the Brain1606 Words   |  7 Pages Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly referred to as simply ADHD, is the most commonly diagnosed disorder among American children today. According to the National Institute on Mental Health an estimated 3 to 5 percent of school age children are affected by this disorder. (1) There are more diagnosed cases of ADHD of in the United States than there are anywhere in the world. The main symptoms of ADHD include developmentally inappropriate levels of attention, concentration, activityRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1623 Words   |  7 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has made a negative impact a strong among the younger population. Those who classify as having ADHD are often seen as being disruptive, distracting during class and unable to pay attention. This behavior will not only impact the child, but as well as the family of the child, their peers and along with other factors too. For those in various settings, those donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t often realize the main causes of what indicates certain behaviors in the classroom and other locationsRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is one of the most prevalent childhood and adolescence disorder. ADHD world prevalence rates is around 5% and â€Å"range from 1% to 20% among school-age children (Sciotto, †¦2016, p. 35). There is a variability in prevalence rates across countries, which has led to researchers to question whether ADHD diagnosis reflects the norms and biases of western cultures. Even though the diagnosis are thought to reflect western cultures and norms, itRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment1093 Words   |  5 PagesAttention Deficit hyperactive disorder is a prevalent and ever rising affliction in modern societies. â€Å"According to the American Psychiatric Association (2009), attention-deficit/hyperac tivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in school-aged children(Saemi 179)†.While the initial response to handling the syndrome is to medicate it and continually medicate to stem the Simpsons. This is not a temporary instance to cure the disease just a never ending cycle. It is my beliefRead MoreLiving With Adhd Bbc Documentary951 Words   |  4 PagesFor my paper, I chose the YouTube documentary â€Å"Living with ADHD BBC Documentary† produced by ADHD tips. I have never had much experience with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I worked in a daycare in high school and looking back, many of the students presented with the same symptoms as presented in this documentary. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder need to be constantly watched and reprimanded accordingly. The running around of Liam is a huge safety concern for parents

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Comparison Paper free essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to address differences between public and community health, research public health resources on a borough, state, and national level as well as review a brief history of those agencies. Whereas public health and community health is often used interchangeably, public health is coordinated on a national, state, and borough scale and public health is a profession that includes more than just nurses. Public health can include emergency personnel, health educators, public officials, public health nurses, social workers, and community individuals. Community health uses information and implements the research from public health arenas to a specific population. Laws are enacted at a local, state, and the national level that enforce public health (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008). â€Å"The local health department has direct responsibility to the citizens in its community or jurisdiction† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 59). The Municipality of Anchorage, according to the last census projected 295,570 residents in Anchorage and 91,946 in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (United States Census 2010, n. d. ). According to Municipality Of Anchorage (n. d. ), â€Å"The Anchorage Department of Health Human Services enhances the quality of life for the people of Anchorage by promoting good physical and mental health, preventing illness and injury, protecting the environment, and providing helping services to people in need† (Health and Human Services). They offer services not limited to the following: Sexually transmitted disease treatment and testing, family planning services, immunization, women’s health services, and communicable disease testing and control. Medical care is never denied due to an inability to pay. The City of Anchorage was first incorporated on November 23, 1920 and on September 15, 1975 it became the Municipality of Anchorage combining what was called the Greater Anchorage Area Borough with the city. The Municipality of Anchorage Health and Human Services is responsible for an area of approximately 1,961. 1 square miles. (Municipality Of Anchorage, n. d. ). The state of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services offers direct and indirect health care services to the public such as family planning, immunizations, home care, epidemiological investigations, health education, community assessment, and community partnering (My Alaska, n. d. ). These services are available to Alaskan residents on a sliding scale. At this time, Alaska has goals for improving the health of Alaskan residents at the state and local regions called Healthy Alaskans 2020. It must be remembered that Alaska has been a state for just over 50 years and although it is the largest state in the nation, it has the lowest population density per square mile of any state in the nation (â€Å"My Alaska†, n. d. ). According to Alaska Historical Society (n. d. ), â€Å"On January 3, 1959, President Eisenhower proclaimed Alaska to be the forty-ninth state of the United States† (When did Alaska become a state? . The national system responsible for the health and welfare of United States citizens is the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. â€Å"HHS is charged with regulating health care and overseeing the health status of Americans† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 56). A newer division, Office of Public Health Preparedness was added after September 11, 2011 to assist with preparing for bioterrorism at the state and national level (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008). The U. S. Public Health Service (PHS) has eight agencies and is a large part of HHS. The agencies are, â€Å"Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Food and Drug Administration; Health Resources and Services Administration; Indian health Services; National Institutes of Health; and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 56). The HHS evolved from an act in 1798 for setting up hospitals to care for seamen and Marines. Later, in 1798, the Quarantine Act firmly removed the power to quarantine away from the state and placed it at a national level. This began an emergence of health care policy at a national level. The hospital system for the seamen and Marines in 1906 became the Public Health Service. There continued an emergence of national health care advocacy. The federal government created the Children’s Service in 1912, Bureau of Indian Health Service in 1921; the National Hygienic Laboratory in 1930 later renamed to National Institutes of Health, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 later becoming the Food and Drug Administration, the Communicable Disease Center in 1946 and later renamed Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1953, According to U. S. Department of Health And Human Services (n. d. , â€Å"The Cabinet-level Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was created under President Eisenhower, officially coming into existence April 11, 1953. In 1979, the Department of Education Organization Act was made law, providing for a separate Department of Education. HEW became the Department of Health and Human Services, officially arriving on May 4, 1980â⠂¬  (Historical Highlights). The borough, state, and national health resources have evolved over time to promote health as well as in response to historical events and epidemics. The goals and focus recently have become much more focused on promoting health. Although some may use public health and community health interchangeable, public health is a profession, â€Å"a system and social enterprise† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 255). Public health is what society does in order to ensure health among communities it is responsible for. (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008). Community health is focused on a group of individuals defined as a community either by geography, needs, or perhaps special interest. â€Å"In most definitions, the community includes three factors: people, place, and function† (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008, p. 97).

Friday, April 17, 2020

Washington DC free essay sample

My bill is the next on the docket. It’s the middle of the day at the JSA convention in Washington D.C.. It’s my turn to say what I think should be done. You’ve done this over and over. You’ve got this. I walk up to the podium and give the speech I have repeated over and over in my head for days. It goes well. I sit down and talk to my friends, one of whom I’ve known for a while and the other I have just met. We hear the con speech next and subsequent speeches by either side. I appear to have support and it should be close. Finally, we take a vote. Apparently the speech didn’t go well. My bill didn’t pass. I ask my partner, who is doing his speech in the House of Representatives section, if it passed in his room. We will write a custom essay sample on Washington DC or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It didn’t pass there, either. I don’t get to take my bill before the full congress, but that doesn’t mean I’m done with the convention. I still have two days left to listen to the other 800 people talk about what they think is right. I still get to voice my opinion on these issues. I still get the chance to decide whose bills pass and whose don’t. My bill didn’t pass this year, but next year I will be back to try again.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Terror Bird (Phorusrhacos) - Facts and Figures

Terror Bird (Phorusrhacos) - Facts and Figures Name: Terror Bird; also known as Phorusrhacos (Greek for rag bearer); pronounced FOE-roos-RAY-cuss Habitat: Plains of South America Historical Epoch: Middle Miocene (12 million years ago) Size and Weight: About eight feet tall and 300 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Large head and beak; claws on wings    About the Terror Bird (Phorusrhacos) Phorusracos isnt known as the Terror Bird only because thats much easier to pronounce; this flightless prehistoric bird must have been utterly terrifying to the small mammals of middle Miocene South America, in light of its enormous size (up to eight feet tall and 300 pounds), clawed wings, and heavy, crushing beak. Extrapolating from the behavior of a similar (but much smaller) relative, Kelenken, some paleontologists believe the Terror Bird grabbed its quivering lunch with its talons, then grasped it between its powerful jaws and bashed it repeatedly on the ground to cave in its skull. (Its also possible that the giant beak of Phorusrhacos was a sexually selected characteristic, males with bigger beaks being more attractive to females during mating season.) Ever since the discovery of its type fossil in 1887, Phorusrhacos has gone by a bewildering number of now-outmoded or reassigned names, including Darwinornis, Titanornis, Stereornis, and Liornis. As for the name that stuck, that was bestowed by a fossil hunter who assumed (from the size of the bones) that he was dealing with a megafauna mammal, and not a birdhence the lack of the tell-tale ornis (Greek for bird) at the end of the Terror Birds genus name (Greek for rag bearer, for reasons that remain mysterious). By the way, Phorusrhacos was closely related to another terror bird of the Americas, Titanis, a comparably sized predator that went extinct at the cusp of the Pleistocene epochto the extent that a minority of experts classify Titanis as a Phorusrhacos species.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Explain how each of the following can be a source of new laws; a party Essay

Explain how each of the following can be a source of new laws; a party manifesto, the Queens Speech, the Law Commission and a social situation - Essay Example During the elections, they release what is called their respective manifestos in which they undertake to bring certain measures into effect if their party is elected. And in the event they win, it becomes their moral duty to fulfil their commitment made in the party manifesto. Such measures in order to be implemented may some times require legal sanction. And it is for this purpose they enact law in the parliament incorporating what they promised in the manifesto. To this extent, the party manifesto becomes a new source of law. The parliament justifies the commitment made in the manifesto to make new law. However there is no legal duty on the part of the newly elected Government to enact law based on the party manifesto, though they are morally bound to the electorate who will not hesitate to defeat the party responsible, in subsequent elections. The party manifesto once thought of as a sacred document has now lost its sheen due to dilution of morals on the part of elected representa tives. In the earlier periods of revolution aiming to dethrone the colonial powers and to set up a Government of their own, freedom fighters had released documents having the force of manifesto. Few examples are The United Sates Declaration of Independence in 1776 and The declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen during the French Revolution. In the labour party’s manifesto of 2005, the party makes several promises to make new laws. 1 . Mitchell and Dadhania 2 state that while origins of law making are varied, the most obvious source would be when a new Government comes into power, having been elected on the basis of the respective party’s manifesto. Thus when the Labour Government took office in 1997, it fulfilled its manifesto promise of incorporating Bill of Rights into the English Constitution by means of Human Rights Act 1998. It also achieved devolving of decision making power to the regions from the centre pertaining to Wales and Scotland through the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10

Human Resource Management - Essay Example 155). Human resource planning is the process in which the organization determines and lays strategies to acquire, and maintain the right quantities of human resource pool, in the right ratios of skills ,character and knowledge to fit the organization demands at current and in the future .In a period of recession the strategies employed largely depend on the mission, vision as well as its strategies and functions .Organizations will in most times plan in anticipation of a recession .most organizations result to more efficient utilization of the available human capital especially in states in which large payoffs are required in cases of lay offs .It is inescapable to lay off in cases of large loss making sessions as has been experienced by ZAIN mobile company which operate in parts of Asia and Africa (Punnett, 2004, p. 155).. The other strategy is diversification of product lines to produce more demanded goods such as consumable goods. Companies usually take a thorough evaluation of their product or services and take note of their potential risks .survey conducted in over 130 firms in Europe and America including Microsoft corporation shows that firms engage in revenue generating rather than cost cutting strategies ,this however is common to small startup firms with large widespread firms engaging in cost cutting strategies such as low investment thus cutting on new recruitments .In response to their new skills requirement they result in hiring on contractual basis ,and limited to specific skills .Generally during recession most firms engage in short term human resource planning due to the uncertainties associated with recession ,a good example is the General motors company (Storey, 1999, p. 130). It should be noted that firm sizes affects their response to human resource planning which is largely based on firm size

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Manhood, Power and Respect instead of Childhood Essay Example for Free

Manhood, Power and Respect instead of Childhood Essay Dave Saunders is the main character of the story, the Theme of the Story is â€Å"Looking for Maturity, Respect and Power†. He is tired of been treated as a child, wants to spend his money to whatever he wants, because his mom holds his money, so he just wants to prove to the others that he is a Man. One day he decided to go the local store to buy a gun, which is the store of Mistah Joe, he ask Joe for a catalog, once he gets the catalog he went back home, his mom sees the catalog, and she doesn’t let him to buy, but after he tells her that the house needs a gun and also that he’s going to give the gun to his dad, she gives $2 for him to buy it. Next day he goes to Mistah Joe store to buy the gun, after buying it he goes to the field to admire the pistol. Next day of work, his is so excited that now his has a gun, he takes jenny the mule and goes far away, so he can test the gun, but accidentally he killed jenny. However, when everybody finds out that he is lying about jenny death, he decided to escape and leave all behind. And the story started like this. Dave Saunders 17 years-old, works at Mr. Hawkins fields, there is the place he makes his own money, and also when he begins his desire to get older, powerful and more respect. One day after he works at Mr. Hawkins fields he was heading home and thinking about the discussion that he had with others field hands that day, and also tired of being treated as a child. He resolves to get a gun for himself, so he can show more power to the others. Instead going home he goes to the local store that they offer a mail-catalog, which is the store of Mistah Joe, when he gets there he asks Mistah Joe for a gun, Mistah Joe Surprised says to Dave â€Å"ain’t nothing but a boy,† (Richard Wright) and he does not need a gun, but he nevertheless offer to sell an old pistol left-hand fully loaded for $2 dollars, Dave goes to his house so excited to ask his mom for $2 dollars to purchase the gun, but when he gets to his house Mrs. Saunders is angry because he has kept the dinner waiting, he sits down and Mrs. Saunders sees the catalog in his arm, and she sizes it, she takes the catalog and tells him to go wash his hands, when he comes back, Dave was so infatuated with the catalog that he did not notice that his father had spoken to him and his food is in front of him. But he knows if he asks his father the money the answer would be a straight NO, and he thinks that his mother is a little easier to persuade. But when he starts a conversation with her, she tells him â€Å"git outta here! Don yuh talk t me bout no gun! Yuh a fool! (Richard Wright), but Dave states that the family needs a gun and after he buys it he will give to his father, Mrs. Saunders agrees to buy the gun but with one condition, as soon as he buys the gun it has to come straight to her possession and also make him promise that he will do it as she said. The first thing he does in the next morning is go to the Mistah Joe store and purchase the gun, while he comes back home, he stops in the field just to play with the gun and he starts shooting imagery objects, afterwards he gets home, he breaks his promise because he hide the gun under his pillow and tells his Mrs. Saunders that the pistol is hidden outside, and it is not true. He leaves his house very early in the morning, ties the pistol in his leg with a piece of flannel and goes to Mr. Hawkins field, he hooks up Jenny the mule and go plow the field far away so he can practicing shooting the gun and no one would hear it, but a fatality happened, he shot Jenny at his first shoot, when he realizes that Jenny is been shot he tried to plug dirty into the bullet hole to stop bleeding, but Jenny soon dies, he is frightened about what happened, he goes back to Mr. Hawkins and trying to tell a believable story about Jenny’s death, afterward someone finds Jenny and Dave make up a story that Jenny had something wrong and all of sudden fell on the point of the plow, but Mrs. Saunders knows it’s a lie, Dave is forced to tell the truth, when he assumed that he killed Jenny, Mr. Hawkins tells him that he has to pay $50 dollars for the mule, and he will take $2 dollars every month of his salary until he pays the $50 dollars. Dave feels annoyed because he has to pay back the mule, also very upset because all the others think he is a child more now than ever before. He decides to leave the city, by doing this he will leave all behind, his childhood and he will become a man as his desire. Dave Saunders is a boy that wants to get the power, the respect, the manhood and also the maturity that most of the men have. The gun seems to symbolize all this to Dave’s eyes, but it’s been showed that is just a phony imagination. Work Cited Richard Wright’s Parody of the Hunt Tradition in â€Å"The Man Who Was Almost a Man†(Fall 1986). Detroit: Gale Group, 2000

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Government Funding For The Arts Essay -- essays research papers fc

Government Funding for the Arts The National Endowment for the Arts is a government sponsored foundation. The duty of the National Endowment for the Arts is to foster the growth of the arts evenly through the national, state, and local levels of the country. With all of the budget slashing that is now taking place the arts is the first place that people look to take money from. This not only happens on the national level but also in our schools. Many people don't see the arts as important. It is the most important thing that our society has. Art, in each and every form that it comes in, shows us who we are. Our pictures that we paint, our songs which we compose, our theater for which we write, act, and dance for, our buildings which we design, as a whole, explains our culture. Future historians will look back at these things and judge us by our accomplishments in these areas. When we look back in history, we recall it through the greatest past achievements in art: the Sistine Chapel, the great pyramids of Egypt, Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, and the works of Plato. Shouldn't we be able to show feats just as grand? Most Americans do agree with me. In 1992, a study called the "Americans and the Arts VI" was conducted; it ended with these results: * 60% of the people support the federal support of the arts. * 63% of the people support the state's support of the arts. * 84% of...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Marijuana Impairments a Qualitative Study

Marijuana Impairments a Qualitative Study The term that knowledge is power only stands correct if your information is reliable and correct. Therefore, only some information is power, for not all information is reliable. The information we receive substantiates our belief system, and the decisions we make and how we understand the world around us. If that information is tainted by receiving misinformation/inaccuracies, such as information handed down through myths, folklore, and others’ misconceived ideals, then this information is dis-empowering to us and could be harmful to our creditability (Harris, 2010).This qualitative study is on the effects of Marijuana, and how it impairs function and inhibits motor skills. The purpose of a qualitative study is to gain knowledge from a particular social situation, event, role, group, or interaction (Creswell, 2009 p. 194). Therefore, it is an investigative process where the researcher gradually derives a conclusion from a social phenom enon by contrasting, comparing, recreating, cataloging and classifying the object of a study (Creswell, 2009, p. 194).According to Creswell (2009), in order to accomplish a qualitative study one must immerse themselves into the everyday activities of the topic/setting of the informants’ environment through continual interaction, and pursue the informants’ views and interpretations (p. 194). Qualitative research is the attempt to reconstruct the subjects’ real-world experiences. The study by Ramaekers, Kauert, Ruitenbeek, Theunssen, Schneider, and Moeller (2006) indicates that high-potency marijuana was shown to consistently impair executive function as assessed in the Tower of London (TOL) task (p. 298). In the original version of TOL, it consists of three colored balls, which must be arranged on three sticks to match the target configuration on a picture while only one ball can be moved at a time (p. 2298). The current version is computer generated images compr ised of the start and finish arrangements of balls. Every time a ball is moved counts as one step. The subject decides as quickly as possible, whether the end arrangement can be accomplished in 2, 3, 4, or 5 steps from the beginning arrangement by pushing the corresponding number coded button (Ramaekers, et al. 2006, p. 2298). The use of nine separate versions of this test were assessed and objectively reviewed. The TOL test found the executive function and planning abilities of the subjects under the influence of a high dosage of THC had their cognitive functions impaired and measured the degree of this impairment (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006). In conclusion, participants that smoked marijuana with a high THC content illustrated a consistent impairment of executive function when undergoing the TOL.The motor functions were also impaired through a decrease in the ability to track the objects when it came to â€Å"critical tracking task† (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006), along with a si gnificant decline in motor response, with impairments continuing for a period up to six hours after smoking a high level THC 500 mg/kg marijuana joint (Ramaekers, et al. , 2006, p. 2302). The study did not include subjects that were heavy daily users of marijuana in order to prevent tainting the results of this test through residual impairment by the THC already in the systems of those individuals (Ramaekers, et al. 2006). References Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Harris. R. (2010). Evaluating internet research sources. Virtual Salt. Retrieved January 1, 2012,  2011, from http://www. virtualsalt. com/evalu8it. htm. http://pewresearch. org. Ramaekers, J. G. , Kauert2, G. , van Ruitenbeek, P. , Theunissen, E. L. , Schneider, E. , & Moeller, M. R. (2006). High-potency Marijuana impairs executive function and inhibitory motor control. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 2296–2303

Monday, January 6, 2020

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally - 1172 Words

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally The maxim of thinking globally and acting locally has very successfully been enhanced within MTV Networks International. It has positioned itself as globally acceptable TV network and it has dominated in the entertainment market across the world. Youths in different countries enjoy the MTV shows and programs. However, this has had both negative effects and positive effects on the youths. Globalization has led to an increasing connection among different people of the world. This means the youths are to know about what is happening in the larger environment. The youths have borrowed and shared good ideas and innovations across the world under the maxim of thinking globally and acting locally. But on†¦show more content†¦Television tends to undermine the educational goals for teenagers in the developing countries. These teenagers spend time admiring the western teenagers and imaginary things that they just watch on the Television. Parents have also become a bit more permissive due to western influence. It is important to note that westernization is not equal to modernization and thus it should be adopted or copied with great caution. Cultural diversities should be retained as they contribute to the beauty of the world and much cohesion of cultural values. International media has been known to consistently violate some cultural practices for the developing countries. In most cases the developed and third world countries have little or no say on what is to be aired on the Television. Immorality in form of sexual moral decadence, violence, alcoholism, among others has been known to be promoted through the TV viewership. The MTV management seems less bothered with this as they view it as just business doing. 3. Other technological innovations that have helped companies to think globally and act locally Other technologies have also enhanced and promoted globalization. For instance in the remittance industry, Money Gram and Western Union have enabled quick transfers of money across theShow MoreRelatedWe Must Be A Citizen Of A Community Essay1279 Words   |  6 Pagesall around the world. Civic concerns are no longer bounded to the land that one lives on. This brings up the idea of thinking globally while acting locally, which refers to when one’s thinking is not limited to what is directly in front of them. They understand that their actions have implications elsewhere. In order to fully comprehend what it means to think globally and act locally, one must first look at how globalization and hybridity have shaped the world and are continuing to do so. What it meansRead MoreSuicide : What Drives A Person?1049 Words   |  5 Pageshelp the individual prevent this from happening. In my opinion I feel that people who attempt suicide are alone, no one to confine in and afraid to a sk for help without being looked down upon. Marquis, C. Battilana, J. (2007). 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